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Verified By Visa-MasterCard Secure Code-Things You Should Know

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Verified By Visa (VBV) and MasterCard Secure Code (MSC) are two standards that Visa and MasterCard developed to protect transactions in a card-not-present (CNP) environment.  Two benefits that Visa and MasterCard boast:

  • You are not liable for fraud resulting from the unauthorized use of Visa cards.
  • Fraud on your site is reduced.
However, there are things that you should know re: VBV / MSC before implementing them on your web site.  They might not reduce the fraud as one would expect.  Yes, they do help with the "I didn't do it" chargeback: it could be the reason code:
75 - Cardholder Does Not Recognize Transaction
However, if you do a lot of recurring billing, VBV / MSC will not help you with these usual chargeback:
41 - Cancelled Recurring Transaction
The reason is simple - VBV / MSC require the cardholder's authentication.  And authentication is only done on the initial charge.  All recurring charges are usually completed by the electronic payment gateway and therefore, no cardholder authorization.

You also might run into problems in which the transaction has to be re-authorized.  Some merchants pre-authorize a credit card transaction for a certain amount until they are ready to ship the merchandise.  When they are ready to ship, they do a post-authorization / sale transaction in their virtual terminal.  Usually this pre-authorization only lasts a few days, depending on the issuing bank.  So if this pre-authorization has passed, you might need to re-do the transaction.  Usually the gateway does this without you even knowing the pre-authorization has passed.  And at this point, you are not protected.

If, by chance, the transaction failed to authenticate, you are not covered.

Sales that use the "one-click buy" technologies are usually not protected either. 

Now what you need to really know is this: If the credit card is Visa, and the cardholder is not enrolled in VBV, you can still be protected (as long as the transaction is not one of the above).  However, if the cardholder is in the United States with a MasterCard and not enrolled, you are not protected.  The MasterCard cardholder in the United States has to be enrolled and authenticated for you to be protected.

Some high risk accounts like adult entertainment and gambling might not be covered.  These rules vary actually per card association, so you would be best to contact your VBV / MSC vendor (not your merchant account provider / electronic payment gateway.)


Jason Miles said...

Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning this matter.


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