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If you have had your merchant account terminated by the high risk merchant account processor, your business name might end up on this list. Visa and MasterCard members both contribute to the combined MATCH list (Member Alert to Control High-risk (Merchants) system); however, MasterCard hosts and regulates the use and access of the system.
The system works by manually entering or batching data through MasterCard's online system for inquiry. When a merchant is identified on the system, there is one of two replies: Exact Match or Partial Match.
Merchant account providers are not prohibited from accepting a merchant that has matched or partially macthed. It is discouraged though and it is considered an unnecessary risk.
The merchant account provider / acquirer who places a merchant on the file has the sole ability to remove the merchant. This is uncommon yet happens more than one would expect. Placing a merchant on MATCH may seem excessive in some circumstances, but it is mandated that a merchant terminated for one of the reason codes listed below is placed on the MATCH file. If the acquirer fails to do so, and the merchant causes another member bank monetary losses, the original member can be liable for those damages.
Merchants can be added to MATCH for any one of the following reason codes:
Most reason codes are very specific; some leave room for interpretation. The possibility of a good merchant or otherwise not deserving merchant being placed on MATCH cannot be denied. The ratio still makes MATCH a necessary defense for the acquiring industry.
MATCH uses Member-reported information regarding Merchants and their owners to offer Acquirers the following fraud detection features and options for assessing risk:
This is something very important though. MasterCard does not verify, otherwise confirm, or ask for confirmation of either the basis for or accuracy of any information that is reported to or listed in MATCH. It is possible that information has been wrongfully reported or inaccurately reported. It is also possible that facts and circumstances giving rise to a MATCH report may be subject to interpretation and dispute.
MasterCard may remove a Merchant listing from MATCH for the following reasons:
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