My Merchant Account Blog

Electronic Payment Gateways Compared

Saturday, January 14, 2006

An electronic payment gateway is the virtual connectivity between your website and the credit card companies (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, JCB, Diner's Club). It is similar to the point of sale (POS) terminal that you find in the grocery store or restaurant.

In the United States, there are a number of them: Quantum, LinkPoint,, Verisign's Payflow, Cybersource, Itransact, etc. is probably the most advertised electronic gateway. A lot of people think they can sign up with them and immediately start to accept credit cards. They do not realize you need a merchant account as well. even uses the First Data platform to help facilitate transaction processing. Since we started using in September 2003, they have been down about seven times. This meant thousands of dollars lost in sales for merchants around the United States.'s prices are usually about $15-$25 a month and each transaction is about $.10-$.15 in addition to the transaction charge imposed by the merchant account provider. They also charge $25 a month for recurring billing.

The LinkPoint payment gateway is probably one of the most deprecated out there. It is owned by the First Data Corporation. First Data has been doing electronic money transfers since 1969 and they were the first processor of both VISA® and MasterCard® bank-issued credit cards in 1976. First Data processed 12.2 billion transactions in North America alone in 2003. The last time the LinkPoint gateway went down was in January 2002. LinkPoint's charges are usually about $15-$25 a month. No other fees are charged, except for LinkShield. Recurring billing is free and no other transaction fees are imposed.

Verisign also has a payment gateway. Verisign is probably the most recognized name because they also offer other services and products for the internet (i.e. SSL certificates, domain registration, hosting, etc). You do not need to purchase everything from Verisign to have a successful e-commerce business. Verisign's prices are a little more than the others. They charge extra for their API and recurring billing.

The above gateways offer both an API and a secure website to capture your consumer's credit card data. An API allows you to capture credit card data on your secure website & process the transaction. The consumer never leaves your website and you maintain consistency throughout your website. If you wish to use the gateway's secure website, there is usually some simple HTML coding to direct your consumer over to that webpage. Once processed, they will be re-directed back to your website.

Using an Internet Payment Service Provider (IPSP) (like 2CO, Paypal, CCAvenue) means you have to use their own proprietary gateway. This helps to stay in compliance with Visa and MasterCard. This also means that your customers will be directed over to the third party processor's secure webpage. Some will allow you to co-brand this page (your logo and theirs on the page), but the consumer must know who they are paying and this page must state that.

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