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Credit Card Testing Numbers

Saturday, April 12, 2008

When you complete a credit card transaction on an electronic payment gateway, chances are very good you will be charged for the transaction. The transaction is going through a transaction provider and to a card association (Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express). The card association charges a fee to access their environment. To overcome this, LinkPoint created staging servers. Through this staging server, a web developer can mimic a transaction to verify the transaction and response.  Keep in mind though that getting a test account is not as easy as it used to be.  In the past, you would submit your information and within minutes, a test store would be created.  However, we were told that you need to be a merchant to actually have access to this staging server - which beats the purpose of getting a test account.  This is another reason we have switched our support from LinkPoint (First Data Global Gateway) to the Quantum Gateway.

Since credit card numbers are developed using the Lunh's method or mod-10 algorithm, not just any number that meets these requirements can be sent. These test credit card numbers can be used on your live LinkPoint account. If you use these credit card numbers on your live (production) LinkPoint account, your account will be charged accordingly. If these numbers are used on a testing (staging) server, no fees will be collected.  These card numbers can usually be used on most testing accounts from the other electronic payment gateways like Quantum Gateway / / etc.

Card Type Card Number Exp
Amount Number
of Digits
Visa 4005550000000019 current
$1.00 16 digits
MasterCard 5424180279791765 current
$1.00 16 digits
Discover 6011000993010978 current
$1.00 16 digits
American Express
372700997251009 current
$1.00 15 digits

If the numbers above are used on your production (live) account, you will receive an approved response.

If you need to receive a declined transaction on your live LinkPoint account, use these numbers:

Card Type Card Number Expiration
of Digits
Visa 4111111111111111 any mm/yy 16 digits
Visa 4012888888881881 any mm/yy 16 digits
MasterCard 5215521552155215 any mm/yy 16 digits
MasterCard 5105105105105100 any mm/yy 16 digits
American Express
378282246310005 any mm/yy 15 digits
American Express 371449635398431 any mm/yy 15 digits
Discover 6011111111111117 any mm/yy 16 digits
Discover 6011000990139424 any mm/yy 16 digits
JCB 3530111333300000 any mm/yy 16 digits
JCB 3566002020360505 any mm/yy 16 digits

Keep in mind that if you use your live LinkPoint account for any transaction, you will be charged. The test store from LinkPoint comes with the LinkPoint Basic / HTML, LinkPoint API, and LinkPoint Virtual terminal. You will be able to mimic LinkPoint transactions in a testing environment with be assessed any fees.

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lakshmi said...

hi,i am geting "declined" in the testing linkpoint , i am using "visa", 4111111111111111 for testing, what is the problem for getting declined message? please help me


Corey Bryant said...

I am actually surprised you have a test account from the gateway. They used
to easily provide a test store on their staging servers but in the past six
months, that has changed significantly.

But try using the other Visa credit card that I listed (4005550000000019),
that should generate an approved response.  You might consider testing
another electronic payment gateway as well.


Sukh said...

I too get declined on staging for all the ips.

Including the 4005550000000019


Corey said...

Sukh, your email address is not published on here - but your comments are. I hope that is OK - since I am hoping that it will help others as well.

You might consider switching to another electronic payment gateway, LinkPoint
(or First Data Global Gateway - same gateway, they thought re-branding it might
help) is far behind in technology.

Also, consider using other testing numbers as well to see if the same results are produced. 
If your agent cannot help, contact customer service to see if they might have
some ideas.


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