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As mentioned previously in Changing Merchant Account Providers, especially for Internet Merchants, this change can be quite tedious and sometimes the reason a lot of merchants do not wish to change. We fully understand this reason but also want merchants to understand that changing merchant account reseller can sometimes be beneficial, especially when it comes to protecting Internet merchants against fraudulent transactions (Some Ways to Help Internet Merchants Reduce Fraud and Chargebacks and Fighting Fraud in your E-Commerce Store) and chargebacks.
If, by chance, you are wanting to stay with the LinkPoint Gateway (also known as the YourPay Gateway or First Data Global Gateway), you might want to check out the offer from Sam's Club. Most merchant account resellers will not be able to beat this low offer unless you have a volume account. (And if this is the case, we recommend the Quantum Gateway to help vet transactions automatically during the checkout process.)
The first two letters (YN) is the AVS response. The numeric portion of the customer's address and ZIP code will be compared to the billing address on file from the card issuing bank. For example, if the address is 1234 Main St, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210. The numbers 1234 90210 will be compared. In the example above, the address matched (1234) but the ZIP code did not match.AVS Code | Visa | MasterCard | American Express |
Discover | Description |
YY | Y | Y | A | Y | Address and ZIP code match |
NY | Z | Z | Z | Z | Only the ZIP code matched |
YN | A | A | Y | A | Only the numeric part of the address matched |
NN | N | N | N | N | Neither the address or ZIP code matched |
XX | - | W | - | - | Card number not on file |
XX | U | U | U | U | Address information not verified for domestic transaction. |
XX | R | - | R | R | Retry - system unavailable |
XX | S | - | S | S | Service not supported |
XX | E | - | - | - | AVS not allowed for card type. |
XX | - | - | - | - | Address verification has been requested, but not received. |
XX | G | - | - | - | Global non-AVS participant. Normally an international transaction. |
YN | B | - | - | - | Street address matches for international transaction; Postal code not verified. |
NN | C | - | - | - | Street address and Postal code not verified for international transaction. |
YY | D | - | - | - | Street address and Postal code match for international transaction. |
YY | F | - | - | - | Street address and Postal code match for international transaction. (UK Only) |
NN | I | - | - | - | Address information not verified for international transaction. |
YY | M | - | - | - | Street address and Postal code match for international transaction. |
NY | P | - | - | - | Postal codes match for international transaction; Street address not verified. |
When you complete a credit card transaction on an electronic payment gateway, chances are very good you will be charged for the transaction. The transaction is going through a transaction provider and to a card association (Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express). The card association charges a fee to access their environment. To overcome this, LinkPoint created staging servers. Through this staging server, a web developer can mimic a transaction to verify the transaction and response. Keep in mind though that getting a test account is not as easy as it used to be. In the past, you would submit your information and within minutes, a test store would be created. However, we were told that you need to be a merchant to actually have access to this staging server - which beats the purpose of getting a test account. This is another reason we have switched our support from LinkPoint (First Data Global Gateway) to the Quantum Gateway.
Since credit card numbers are developed using the Lunh's method or mod-10 algorithm, not just any number that meets these requirements can be sent. These test credit card numbers can be used on your live LinkPoint account. If you use these credit card numbers on your live (production) LinkPoint account, your account will be charged accordingly. If these numbers are used on a testing (staging) server, no fees will be collected. These card numbers can usually be used on most testing accounts from the other electronic payment gateways like Quantum Gateway / / etc.
Card Type | Card Number | Exp Date |
Amount | Number of Digits |
Visa | 4005550000000019 | current mm/yy |
$1.00 | 16 digits |
MasterCard | 5424180279791765 | current mm/yy |
$1.00 | 16 digits |
Discover | 6011000993010978 | current mm/yy |
$1.00 | 16 digits |
American Express (Corporate) |
372700997251009 | current mm/yy |
$1.00 | 15 digits |
If the numbers above are used on your production (live) account, you will receive an approved response.
If you need to receive a declined transaction on your live LinkPoint account, use these numbers:
Card Type | Card Number | Expiration Date |
Number of Digits |
Visa | 4111111111111111 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
Visa | 4012888888881881 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
MasterCard | 5215521552155215 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
MasterCard | 5105105105105100 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
American Express (Corporate) |
378282246310005 | any mm/yy | 15 digits |
American Express | 371449635398431 | any mm/yy | 15 digits |
Discover | 6011111111111117 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
Discover | 6011000990139424 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
JCB | 3530111333300000 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
JCB | 3566002020360505 | any mm/yy | 16 digits |
Keep in mind that if you use your live LinkPoint account for any transaction, you will be charged. The test store from LinkPoint comes with the LinkPoint Basic / HTML, LinkPoint API, and LinkPoint Virtual terminal. You will be able to mimic LinkPoint transactions in a testing environment with be assessed any fees.
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